I found this designer on Craftster about two years ago, and immediately fell head over heels. I absolutely LOVE her style. If ever you want to surprise me, send me one of her jackets. She is amazing and largely self-taught - gotta respect that.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Etsy Adore
Posted by mouse_house at 11:30 AM 0 comments
*Getting Organized: Dorky, but come on, how great does it feel to actually see what you have? I did my craft closet this weekend, and while I'm far from actually being totally organized at least I know what is there.
*Baking presents for far away friends: This weekend me and my friend Sarah are going to be whipping up amazing fatty care packages for the holidays. For once I may have things in the mail on time!
*Going out to eat: It's such a simple pleasure, but I really love it! Trying new restaurants and exploring other parts of town, or sticking with an old favorite, its just one of my favorite activities.
*Thinking about New Years Resolutions: I know no one ever keeps them, but I really enjoy the promise of a clean slate, starting over again. But why wait for new year's? Every day is technically a new year, an anniversary of that date one year ago. Why is January first the only day to make a change? I'm not sure what all of mine will be but I am certainly including financial goals, as well as job search related goals, and of course the ubiquitous fitness and diet goals. I'm also thinking about setting book reading goals, and home decoration goals.
Posted by mouse_house at 10:41 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Street Style Favorites

Love his belt buckle & his glasses. Looks like he might be a bit Chad-ish tho. Maybe lose the scarf, or de-pop the collar!

Via FaceHunter
I love her shoe/sock color combo of course, but also love the baggy textures of the shirt and the tucked in pants. Looks kind of early 20th century news-boy meets pirate. I wish she had a turquoise bow in her hair. Or large turquoise earrings.

Via FaceHunter
Wow, that necklace is amazing. I am not even sure if I like it so much as I think it is really vibrant and unusual. It'd be really cool if she had yellow shoes on I think.

Via FaceHunter
This is such a cool dress! It looks so comfy and the color is amazing of course. Also is she using that god's eye as a fan? How interesting. I love her purse and necklace as well.

Via Hel Looks
Those pants are so cool, very 19th century. I also like that jacket a lot. Great stitching detail.
Posted by mouse_house at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday Music Mix
Work it out baby.
Here's a shot of music I've been listening to over this weekend....totally random.
Robyn: Cobrastyle
Robyn: Konichiwa Bitches
Robots in Disguise: The Sex Has Made Me Stupid
The Knife: You Take My Breath Away
What have you been listening to??
Posted by mouse_house at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Things I Love Thursday
*Smooth soft silky just conditioned hair!
*Smoothies for breakfast.
*This girl's amazing blog! She's only 15! Wish I were so well adjusted and stylish at 15.
*Drinking and then grocery shopping.
*Sleeping in late on days off.
*Getting out of work way freaking early and spending the day with a honey.
*My new bright blue jacket.
ETA: Oops, looks like I forgot to press post!
Posted by mouse_house at 12:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Unicorn Love
How amazing is this headband?! I would wear it every damn day! Camille Roman rocks.
via Style Bubble
Posted by mouse_house at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
Street Style Favorites

Love how at first glance he looks so professional, but then you notice the mid-calf boots, then the safety pin accessory.

Love the men's blazer with little girl's lace dress and the muted color scheme.

Those sleeves are great & I like her use of layering. Also, cute shoes!
Posted by mouse_house at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
*The Office: This show always gets me through the week. Even though I end up recording it, I always watch it. I love it!
*Hair & Makeup Tutorials: I knew these were available on YouTube, but there are actually some really good ones! I really like itsjudytime, and superkawaiimama.

*Orchids: I just got TWO from ikea. I couldn't decide which to get and I am so happy to have them! They really light up my living room.
*Heartbeats by The Knife!: Seriously, I can't get enough! Why was I just now introduced to this song?! It came out in 2003! What else have I been missing out on? Please, let me know!
Things I love Thursday is all about focusing on all the great things we have instead of all the things we want or don't have. Its about gratitude and appreciation and thinking from a state of abundance rather than a state of lack. Thank you to Gala Darling for the lovely logo and starting the trend. What do you love this week? What inspires you?
Posted by mouse_house at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Old Books
I am the type of person that reads at least 5 books at once! Blame it on an inability to focus, a need for variety, or a passion for learning new things, but I actually enjoy reading a number of books at once. Usually I read one or two main books, often a novel, and have other usually non-fiction books that I rotate through in the background. I wrote this entry a while ago, and have since finished this book, but thought I would share my thoughts regardless.

This is currently my main book, a novel. It is written from three different perspectives, and different time periods. It also includes first person narratives and letters which are also first person narrative obviously.
When first starting this book it was a little confusing who was speaking and what time period we were in. But as I read on and realized what the separate threads were, I started to get into the book and read more and more in one sitting which always helps to increase reading comprehension. ;)
The story mostly told from the perspective of an unusual boy whose dad died in the world trade center on 9/11. It's also about his family, his grandparents voices are in there heavily. Comparisons are drawn between 9/11 and ww2, and also the personal tradgedy that is life and living. "We spent our whole lives making a living." Things like that, quesitons about the way life ends up. How did we get here from there? What the hell happens in each day that is so small that leads to something that you are living in the present that is nothing like what you thought you would be doing. It has a very poignant feeling, I want to say bittersweet, but that's not quite right.
It is actually quite well written, there are particular phrases that absolutely glow. My favorite chapter so far has been the one about the Dresdon bombing. The way it was written was intense, fast-paced, and punctuated with red circles like someone had editied the page, which at first I thought was distracting, but then thought it added to the velocity and fierceness. Somehow red marks all over the page really fits with a chapter where the narrator sees horses on fire galloping down the street swirling with smoke and screams.
I am not quite finished with it, but I am certainly enjoying it more than I thought I would.
Pros: Pictures, unique book layout, includes blank pages, colored pages, etc...immersive, a few excellent passages that really show off some great writing.
Cons: The narration can take on a conceited & irritating tone sometimes. Sometimes the way its structured makes me wonder how "real" it is (if that makes sense), like he was trying too hard to be clever or innovative.
Posted by mouse_house at 10:59 AM 0 comments