Love his belt buckle & his glasses. Looks like he might be a bit Chad-ish tho. Maybe lose the scarf, or de-pop the collar!

Via FaceHunter
I love her shoe/sock color combo of course, but also love the baggy textures of the shirt and the tucked in pants. Looks kind of early 20th century news-boy meets pirate. I wish she had a turquoise bow in her hair. Or large turquoise earrings.

Via FaceHunter
Wow, that necklace is amazing. I am not even sure if I like it so much as I think it is really vibrant and unusual. It'd be really cool if she had yellow shoes on I think.

Via FaceHunter
This is such a cool dress! It looks so comfy and the color is amazing of course. Also is she using that god's eye as a fan? How interesting. I love her purse and necklace as well.

Via Hel Looks
Those pants are so cool, very 19th century. I also like that jacket a lot. Great stitching detail.
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